Case Study
UNITY SC : Reducing dependency on EFEM manufacturers
To integrate its inspection and metrology modules into its customers’ industrial production lines, UnitySC uses different EFEMs (robotic wafer-loading…Learn more
Case Study
Soitec: Benefits of the Digital Twin for Equipment…
To prepare for the integration of a new automated SOI wafer loading robot into its production lines based in Bernin, France and Singapore, Soitec has relied…Learn more
Case Study
The A²ECF framework integrated at Aloxtec
Aloxtec is a subsidiary of French specialist industrial furnace manufacturer AET Technologies. It designs semiconductor oxidation furnaces for the…Learn more
Case Study
SECS/GEM on Altix photolithography machines
Altix is a French company specializing in high-quality photolithography and direct imaging equipment for the electronics sector. It is the world leader in semi…Learn more
Case Study
Collaboration with Vinci Technologies on Ultra Vacuum…
Agileo Automation is collaborating with Vinci Technologies to design the software for their High Vacuum and Ultra High Vacuum equipment. Christine WALSH,…Learn more
Case Study
Supervising the AGVs used for the production of H160…
During the Airbus H160 helicopter assembly phase, problems arose with the delicate task of programming an AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) that Airbus wished to…Learn more